Q. How did you hear about the DCSEU's Workforce Development Program?
A. I heard about the program through my Coach at AimHire.
Q. What interested you about the program?
A. I was looking for an employment opportunity and my Coach at AimHire told me about the DCSEU and an upcoming job fair they were having. When I met Gleniss Wade, DCSEU's Workforce Development Program Manager, I was sold. We talked about the company, the program and my situation. She was really the reason I thought it might be a good opportunity for me.
Q. Describe the tasks and expectations of your job. What are your assignments and things that you do on the day-to-day?
A. I am a Project Manager for WDC Solar where I help with overseeing the planning and implementation of solar panel installation on residential and commercial properties. I work with DCRA to obtain Solar and Electrical Permits, as well as schedule inspections. I also do some accounting and help with payroll. There is a lot of correspondence with Engineers, Residents and Commercial Property Owners, and various other duties as necessary.
Q. What are your goals after completing the WFD program?
A. To obtain permanent employment with the company I have been assigned to. It has turned out to be a great fit for me. I am learning a lot about Solar and plan to eventually be able to run one of the offices on my own.
Q. How do you think the DCSEU's WFD program is helping you complete those goals?
A. The WFD program is exposing me to all things Solar as well as different areas that I would not have thought could utilize my skills. I now know there is a wide range of opportunity in the Solar and Sustainable Energy Arena.
Q. What advice would you give to anyone interested in enrolling in the program?
A. I would tell them to GO FOR IT! Being 60 years young I can tell you that the job market is really not that open to us. DCSEU’s WFD program is open and willing to give anyone who wants it an opportunity to try. If you’re willing to do the work they will open the door for you.
Q. Has your experience in the program changed your opinion about solar and other green initiatives?
A. I’ve always believed in solar and green initiatives I just didn’t realize there was such a large community actually doing it. It is a pleasure to now be a part of this community and learning how I too can contribute to the health and well being of our planet.