DCSEU Terms & Conditions
The Council of the District of Columbia enacted the Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008 (CAEA), which created the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU). The District’s Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) contracted with Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) to operate the DCSEU. The following Terms & Conditions are applicable to DCSEU Efficient Products Rebate and Business Energy Rebate programs. Rebates are for DC residents and businesses only. Void where prohibited. Rebates may not be reproduced, photocopied, or altered in any way.
- Commercial Customer means the owner or authorized representative of a Commercial Facility.
- Commercial Facility means a building used primarily for business, service, or organizational purposes, rather than residential use and located in the District of Columbia. Commercial Facilities include offices, retail stores, hotels, restaurants, warehouses, and other service-oriented businesses.
- Customer means the facility owner or authorized representative applying for or receiving a rebate from the DCSEU. A customer may be either an individual or a business entity.
- DCSEU means the District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility.
- DCSEU Rebate Program refers to the Residential Efficient Products Rebate Program and the Business Energy Rebate Program.
- DOEE means the District Department of Energy and the Environment.
- Institutional Customer means the owner or authorized representative of an Institutional Facility.
- Institutional Facility means a building used primarily for public or private purposes, rather than residential use located in the District of Columbia, and with at least 50,000 square feet of gross floor area as listed in the Building Energy Performance Disclosure Form. Institutional Facilities include but are not limited to schools, hospitals, universities, government buildings, museums, and non-profit organizations.
- Rebate Administrator means Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) d/b/a the DCSEU.
- Residential Customer means the owner or tenant of a single-family home (four units or less) located in the District of Columbia. This can also include owners of individual condominiums and co-operative units located in the District of Columbia.
Cost & Taxes
The DCSEU is not responsible for any tax liability that may be imposed on the Customer as a result of receiving rebates from the DCSEU. The rebate may be considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service. The Customer is responsible for paying any applicable taxes, including sales tax on the pre-rebate cost of equipment or services, if applicable.
Capacity Credits / Environmental Credits
By accepting the rebate(s), the Customer agrees that the DCSEU retains sole rights to any electric system capacity credits and / or environmental credits associated with the energy efficiency improvements for which incentives are received, with the exception of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). These credits will be used for the benefit of District of Columbia ratepayers.
Liability Release
As part of the consideration for participating in the DCSEU’s Rebate Program, the Customer, on behalf of itself and its successors, assigns, and legal representatives, hereby irrevocably releases, indemnifies, defends, and holds harmless the Rebate Administrator and the Government of the District of Columbia, its officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with DCSEU Rebate Program. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Customer expressly waives any legal protections that may limit the scope of this release.
The DCSEU makes no guarantees regarding energy savings, energy cost reductions, project costs, the safety of improvements, or the performance of improvements or building upgrades installed as part of participating in the DCSEU Rebate Program. The DCSEU disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the design, the equipment, or the installation of any equipment, and whether they comply with any specifications, laws, ordinances, regulations, codes, or industry standards.
The DCSEU is not responsible for the proper disposal or recycling of any waste generated as a result of participating in the rebate program. Additionally, the DCSEU does not endorse any specific manufacturers, products, or system designs.
Fraud, Abuse and Waste Prevention
By submitting a rebate application, the Customer swears or affirms that they are an adult and that all information on the application, as well as any information submitted with or in support of the application, is true, correct, and complete to the best of their knowledge, ability, and belief. The Customer understands that providing false information or altered documents to the DCSEU, a program administered under a contract with DOEE and funded by the Government of the District of Columbia, may result in serious consequences. These consequences may include, but are not limited to, denial of the Customer's current and future rebate applications. Such actions may also be referred to DOEE or other District agencies for further review.
The DCSEU may contact customers for feedback on program satisfaction
Residential Efficient Products Rebate Program
Program Effective Dates (10/1/2024 - 09/30/2025)
The DCSEU’s Efficient Products program (EP) is specifically designed to encourage Residential Customers to implement cost-effective energy efficiency improvements. Rebate offers are subject to availability of funds and may change at any time without prior notice; making them a limited-time offer. The total rebate amount cannot exceed the purchase price of the improvement and cannot be combined with any other DCSEU offering or any offer from the Government of the District of Columbia.
Energy Efficiency Improvement Requirements
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a Residential Customer.
- Must install an energy efficiency improvement pre-approved by the DCSEU (see the Residential Rebate Application Guide for qualified improvements).
- Must be new; used or refurbished equipment is NOT eligible for rebates.
- Must be installed in accordance with all laws, codes and other requirements applicable under federal, state and local authority.
- Must be connected to the municipal utility account listed on the Customer’s utility bill.
Other Requirements:
- Total rebates are limited to $15,000 per household, per fiscal year. The DCSEU reserves the right to deny any application that may result in the DCSEU exceeding its program budget or the terms and conditions of the EP program.
- All rebate requests submitted within six (6) months of purchase or by September 30, 2025, whichever occurs first. All rebate requests must be approved by the DCSEU no later than September 30, 2025. Incomplete applications may not be processed. Applications with errors and/or deficiencies will be returned and may not be honored if not resolved by September 30, 2025. The DCSEU strongly encourages Customers to submit applications as soon as possible to ensure timely processing and availability of funding.
- Customer agrees to keep the energy efficiency improvements installed for a period of at least one (1) years from the date of installation or for the life of the improvement, whichever is shorter (the “Minimum Installation Period”). If the Customer ceases to be a delivery-service customer of PEPCO Holdings, Inc. and/or Washington Gas Light Co., or removes the improvement at any time before the Minimum Installation Period, the Customer agrees to repay a prorated amount of rebate funds within sixty (60) calendar days if requested by the DCSEU. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the DCSEU.
- Must comply with any inspection requests before or after payment of the rebate. The DCSEU reserves the right to verify installation of the energy efficiency improvements in compliance with the terms and conditions of the DCSEU’s rebate programs and verify energy savings. If requested, Customer agrees to permit the DCSEU to complete an onsite inspection within fourteen (14) calendar days, at a mutually agreed upon date and time, to verify the installation of the improvements and/or verify the energy savings. During the inspection, the DCSEU will collecting information (such as photographs) to verify completion of the improvements and will have the Customer sign the inspection form attesting that all information contained in the report is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the Customer’s knowledge. DCSEU inspections are performed solely to verify installation of the energy efficiency improvement(s) and resulting energy savings. DCSEU inspections do not constitute a safety review nor certify compliance with any legal requirements such as building codes.
Business Energy Rebate Program
Program Effective Dates (10/1/2024 - 09/30/2025)
The DCSEU’s Business Energy Rebates (BER) program is specifically designed to encourage non-residential Customers (commercial and institutional) to implement cost-effective energy efficiency improvements. Rebate offers are subject to availability of funds and may change at any time without prior notice; making them a limited-time offer. The total rebate amount cannot exceed the purchase price of the improvement and cannot be combined with any other DCSEU offering or any offer from the Government of the District of Columbia.
The DCSEU reserves the right to withdraw or modify rebate offers, including rebate amounts, at its discretion and without notice. Rebates are available for energy efficiency improvements listed on the DCSEU’s website with documented energy savings. These may include rebates for lighting, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, food service equipment, and other improvements with documented energy savings.
Commercial and Institutional Customers with multiple locations, may not be eligible for the BER Program and should call the DCSEU at 855-MY-DCSEU (855-693-2738) to determine eligibility prior to purchasing any energy efficiency improvements. DCSEU BER applications will be accepted until funding allocated to the BER program is depleted.
Energy Efficiency Improvement Requirements
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a Customer for a Commercial Facility or Institutional Facility.
- Must submit all energy efficiency improvements to the DCSEU for pre-approval by completing an application. Incomplete applications may not be processed. Only energy efficiency improvements listed on the DCSEU’s website will be eligible for a rebate(s). See Rebate Reservations below for more information.
- Must meet the requirements detailed in DCSEU’s technical specifications. These requirements will be made available to the Customer upon approval of an application.
- Must be new; used or refurbished equipment is NOT eligible for rebates.
- Must be installed in accordance with all laws, codes and other requirements applicable under federal, state and local authority.
- Must be connected to the municipal utility account listed on the Customer’s utility bill.
Other Requirements:
- Total rebates are limited to $100,000 per Commercial Facility or Institutional Facility, per fiscal year. The DCSEU reserves the right to deny any application that may result in the DCSEU exceeding its program budget or the terms and conditions of the BER program.
- Must commit to keeping the energy efficiency improvements installed for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of installation or for the life of the improvement, whichever is shorter (the “Minimum Installation Period”). If the Customer ceases to be a delivery-service customer of PEPCO Holdings, Inc. and/or Washington Gas Light Co., or removes the improvement at any time before the Minimum Installation Period, the Customer agrees to repay within 30-calendar days a prorated amount of rebate funds. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the DCSEU and will only be considered for Customers upgrading to more efficient improvements at their own expense.
Rebate Reservations and Payment
The DCSEU will review the rebate application and will either approve the application, approve with modifications, or reject it if there are deficiencies, errors that need to be addressed, or if funds for the program have been depleted. Once approved, the DCSEU issue a pre-approval letter and will reserve the rebate amount for a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days or until September 30, 2025, whichever occurs first (the “Reservation Period”). The Customer will have the Reservation Period to purchase and install the energy efficiency improvements and submit all required documentation to the DCSEU for payment of the rebate. Customers who purchase energy efficiency improvements prior to receiving pre-approval are not guaranteed to receive a rebate. Additionally, materials purchased six (6) months or more before receiving pre-approval may be denied. Once the Reservation Period expires, the funds will be made available to other customers unless the Reservation Period is extended in writing by the DCSEU.
Required documentation for payment includes itemized invoices, a completed W-9 for the Customer (a Customer may request payment to be made to a third party using the DCSEU Third-Party Payee Authorization Form), and the DCSEU-issued pre-approval letter. All rebate payment requests must be submitted within sixty (60) days of project completion or by September 30, 2025, whichever comes first. The location and business name on the invoice must be consistent with the application information. Itemized invoices must include the date of purchase, quantity, detailed description of the energy efficiency improvement, and any evidence of payment.
The DCSEU reserves the right to require additional supporting documentation as deemed necessary by the DCSEU to confirm eligibility and verify savings. Applicants are encouraged to call DCSEU Customer Support Specialists at 855-MY-DCSEU (855-693-2738) if they have any questions about documentation requirements.
Rebates approved for payment will be paid by the DCSEU within sixty (60) calendar days of a completed QA/QC inspection unless the requirement is waived by the DCSEU. Rebate amounts cannot exceed the purchase price or the specified not-to-exceed amounts per Facility as listed above. Consequently, the DCSEU reserves the right to reduce rebate amounts as need to comply with the BER program requirements. To confirm the maximum rebate for any incentivized product, please refer to the most recent Business Energy Rebate Webpage. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with sales tax, installation, and disposal/recycling of incentivized equipment.
Submitting an application or documentation with incomplete or missing information will delay approval and payment.
The Customer agrees to provide or secure the rights for the DCSEU to have reasonable access to the installed efficiency improvements, related equipment, and to all documents pertaining to the acquisition and installation of the efficiency improvements for a period of five (5) years after receipt of the rebate payment. No payment will be made until the efficiency improvements have been installed, inspected, and verified by a DCSEU representative, or the DCSEU determines that an inspection is not necessary. All projects with a total cost over $5,000 will require an onsite Quality Assurance Quality Control inspection. When an inspection is deemed necessary, the Customer’s signature will be required to acknowledge that the DCSEU completed the inspection and to sign the inspection form attesting that all information contained in the report is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the Customer’s knowledge. The DCSEU reserves the right to reduce or eliminate rebates associated with the pre-approval letter if the proposed improvements fail to meet any requirements for the BER Program, including but not limited to, the eligibility requirements detailed in the “Energy Efficiency Improvement Requirements” section above.