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Apply for Affordable Home Electrification & Solar for All

Take advantage of two no-cost programs for income-qualified District residents that will help you cut costs and emissions in your home. 

Before you apply, gather the following documents & check your eligibility

Read this application guide in full before you apply


For both programs, you must:

Affordable Home Electrification Program (AHEP) additional eligibility:

  • All participants must fully electrify all gas and/or oil equipment in the home to join the program.
  • You can qualify as an individual unit owner in an apartment/multifamily building with 5 or more units and in-unit equipment eligible for replacement. If this does not apply to you, you should not apply through this application. Your property will only be eligible if the electrification process has no impacts to the rest of the building. This will be determined once you are income qualified and a walkthrough is conducted. However, your building may qualify for the Affordable Multifamily Electrification Program. Eligible equipment upgrades for individual unit owners are:
    • In-unit ducted furnace
    • In-unit domestic gas hot water heater
    • In-unit gas clothes dryer  
    • In-unit gas stove/ranges  

Solar for All (SFA) additional requirements:

  • Do not have a solar system installed on your home or have a signed a contract to install one.
  • Do not live in an apartment/multifamily building (five units/apartments or more) that is master metered.
  • Receive electric services from PEPCO.


You will need the following documentation to apply to both programs:

Affordable Home electrification specific documentation:

Online Application specific documentation:

  • A signed Home/Property Owner Agreement Form (if you are applying online)


Apply Online

  • Visit the Online Program Application below
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to fill in information about you, your home, and upload your supporting documentation utility information

Or Apply by Mail


1 M Street SE

3rd Floor

Washington, DC 20003


Or Apply In-Person

  • Print and complete the program application form
  • Book an office visit online to apply in-person or call (202) 479-2222 and ask to book a visit. Please note that office hours are limited and prioritize customers with issues accessing technology required to apply online.
  • Bring your completed application and supporting documentation for every member of the household to the office visit at the scheduled date and time.
  • Present and review your application with DCSEU staff.


  • A DCSEU program staff member will contact you within 3 business days to confirm receipt of your application. If your application has incomplete or missing information, we will request the additional documents needed to process it.
  • The DCSEU will verify your income qualification documents within 3 business days to inform you of your eligibility to participate in the AHEP program.
  • An initial walkthrough of your home with DCSEU Staff and Subcontractor, is scheduled to determine if your home qualifies for program.
  • If your home qualifies, a Homeowner Agreement form is issued for your signature before equipment installation can begin.
  • Subcontractor begins installation
  • Upon completion of installation, the District Department of Buildings (DOB, formerly DCRA) inspection is scheduled. Please note DOB inspections require 1 full business day of availability for DC code adherence. Additional days may be required if reinspection needs to take place.
  • Upon completion of DOB inspection, a DCSEU Quality Control inspection is scheduled. Please note additional days may be required if reinspection needs to take place.

  • A DCSEU program staff member will contact you within 3 business days to confirm receipt of your application. If your application has incomplete or missing information, we will request the additional documents needed to process it.
  • You can expect a follow-up within 5 business days to inform you of your eligibility to participate in the SFA program. If deemed eligible, the DCSEU will provide essential details regarding the fy2025 program and its timeline.
  • A subcontractor will be assigned to visit your home, if you’re eligible to have a solar system installed. During the walk-through, they will assess whether your home is a suitable candidate for a solar system. If any issues are identified during the site visit, they will be communicated to you. If the DCSEU cannot resolve the issues, the DCSEU will provide your information to DOEE to determine if you are eligible to receive community solar bill credits.
  • If you and your home are deemed eligible for the program, you will need to sign a homeowner agreement agreeing to the SFA program requirements. Upon signing, the DCSEU will authorize the subcontractor to proceed with the solar system installation at no cost to you.
  • Your home’s solar system will generate electricity output to offset your home’s electricity use and costs for a period of 20-years, or you will receive community solar electricity bill credits until your income exceeds the income limits.

Online Program Application

Fully complete the online application form below to be considered for the Affordable Home Electrification Program (AHEP) and Solar for All (SFA) Program.

Select Your Program(s)

You can apply to one program or both. Save time by applying for both programs with a single application!

I’m considering switching my home’s heating, hot water system, gas dryer, and/or stove from natural gas or oil to electric.
I’m interested in installing a free residential net-metered solar system on my home or signing up with DOEE to receive community solar electricity bill credits.

By applying for AHEP, I acknowledge and understand that that this program currently is operating with both local District and federal Department of Energy Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates funds. I also understand and acknowledge that if I participate in AHEP my utility bills may increase.

Customer Information

NOTE: If you live in an apartment/multifamily building with 5 or more units, you can only apply through this application if you own your individual unit, the equipment to be replaced resides within your unit, and the electrification process has no impacts to the rest of the building. This will be determined once you are income qualified and a walkthrough is conducted. If you do not own your unit and have in-unit eligible equipment, you should not apply through this application. However, your building may qualify for the Affordable Multifamily Electrification Program.

Your Information

Please provide all applicable account numbers

Note for the following question: This will make you eligible to receive electricity bill credits while the DCSEU determines if your home is suitable for rooftop solar. Your answer does not disqualify you from rooftop solar and the income qualification requirements and potential savings are the same.

Property Owner Information

Home Information

How many bedrooms & bathrooms does your home have?

Income Verification and Supporting Documentation


If you are requesting services for Solar for All (SFA) or Affordable Home Electrification Program (AHEP), please attach copies of:

Head of Household

Note for the following question: You will need to upload an official letter of certification if you received assistance from any of the programs listed.

Please upload the following:

Household Members

  • Household is defined as one or more individuals who live together.
  • Members of the household do not need to be related by blood, marriage or in any other legal capacity.
  • Family members who are away from the household for a certain period of time may be considered part of the household.

Enter each household member below along with their SSN, age, and income.

Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Member 5

Member 6

Member 7

Member 8

Member 9

Member 10

Application Terms and Conditions

Please note that if the applicant is a tenant, the home/building owner must complete a separate acknowledgement form

  • I understand that this application is only for the services requested above.
  • I understand that this application does not guarantee that I will receive services through AHEP or SFA programs.
  • I understand that if I am approved to receive services, I must provide full access to my home so that all DCSEU-authorized Subcontractors can install approved measures by the deadline specified by the DCSEU or September 15, 2024, whichever comes first.
  • I understand that additional terms and conditions may apply. The DCSEU reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to request information not requested on this application or modify program requirements at any time. The DCSEU will make a good faith effort to keep all applicants informed of additional terms and conditions and any programmatic changes.
  • I agree to allow DOEE, or its designee, to use deidentified data from this form and from program administration to conduct research and analysis for the program. This data may be shared with other organizations, agencies, or the public to promote program evaluation and progress.

Statement of Truth and Authorization for Verification

I swear or affirm I am an adult, and that all information on this application, and all information I submitted or will submit in support of this application, is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge, ability, and belief. I understand I can be penalized by fine and/or imprisonment for making false statements. My signature on this application grants the DCSEU and DOEE permission to contact any government entity, business, or person DOEE deems necessary to verify the information I have provided.

AHEP and SFA Terms and Conditions

Below are some general terms and conditions that apply to the AHEP and SFA Programs. I understand that additional terms and conditions may apply. I will have the opportunity to review and approve any additional terms and conditions before any work begins in my home.

Site Visit

I grant permission to the DCSEU (or its Subcontractor), DOEE and DOB to schedule and complete a site visit at my home to help determine my or my home’s eligibility to participate in the program(s) requested above. This may include, but is not limited to, collecting information and photographs about my environmental and sustainability goals, the equipment installed in my home (such as heating, ventilating, air conditioning, electrical panel, etc.), structural elements of my home (e.g., the condition of my roof), and occupancy and comfort requirements. All site visits will be scheduled in consultation with me.


I understand that if I do not own the home listed above, any equipment, materials, and supplies installed by the DCSEU (or its Subcontractor) will become the property of the homeowner. This includes the installation of a Photovoltaic (PV) Solar System and/or Battery Storage System, if applicable.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that upon determination of my eligibility for a DCSEU Program, I will have the opportunity to review and approve the equipment, materials, and/or supplies to be installed in my home in a Homeowner Agreement between myself (or the property owner, if I am not the property owner) and the assigned installing Subcontractor (“Subcontractor”). The DCSEU neither directly nor indirectly recommends and/or endorses any specific manufacturers or equipment. Therefore, the Homeowner Agreement will only include a general description of the equipment, materials, and/or supplies (e.g., programmable thermostat or heat pump water heater). Additionally, it is important to note that not all equipment, materials, and/or supplies are eligible for installation under the DCSEU’s AHEP Program (e.g., cold climate heat pumps or WiFi enabled thermostats).

If I am eligible for the AHEP Program, the Subcontractor and I will enter into the Homeowner Agreement, and the DCSEU will issue a work order to the Subcontractor to complete the installation. I will have the opportunity to coordinate specific installation time(s) and detail(s) with the Subcontractor.

Disposal of Equipment

Unless otherwise set forth in a Homeowner Agreement, the DCSEU is not responsible for the proper disposal or recycling of any waste generated as part of my participation in this project. For AHEP related projects, the Subcontractor will be responsible for the proper removal and disposal or recycling of waste generated by the installation as covered in the Homeowner Agreement.

Post-installation Verification, and QA/QC Inspection

I grant permission to the DCSEU (or its Subcontractor),DOEE and DOB to schedule and complete a post-installation Installation, Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) inspection at the home listed on the Customer Application Form upon completion of my project to verify all equipment has been installed and complies with the DCSEU program requirements (note: the QA/QC inspection is a program specific inspection and completely separate from any inspections completed by the District Department of Buildings). This inspection may include collecting information and photographing any work completed by the Subcontractor before issuing payment to the Subcontractor. I further agree to allow the DCSEU reasonable access to the installed equipment and all documents pertaining to their installation for five years after project completion.

Customer's Utility Data and Other Information

I grant permission to DCSEU (or its Subcontractor), DOEE, and the US Department of Energy (US DOE) to review my electric (PEPCO) and gas (Washington Gas) account information associated with the home listed above, as applicable, both prior to installation and after installation for a period up to five (5) years. I also authorize PEPCO and Washington Gas to share online information with DOEE, US DOE, and the DCSEU (or its Subcontractors) for up to five (5) years from my signature date on this application. By signing this Customer Application, I agree that the DCSEU has my permission, without any additional compensation, to use information about and photographs before, during, and after installation for promotional and marketing use.

Disclaimer; Warranty

Customer acknowledges that any guidance, advice, or estimates of professional services and/or energy savings, costs, and benefits provided by the DCSEU are not guaranteed expressly or implicitly; actual savings and costs may differ from estimates due to many factors, including but not limited to the services performed and the specific details related to your home (e.g., comfort requirements, weather, changes in use, and equipment maintenance, etc.). Customer acknowledges the importance of conducting an independent evaluation and making decisions based on their unique circumstances. The guidance, advice, or estimates provided by the DCSEU shall serve as general information and shall not be a substitute for the Customer’s thorough evaluation and decision-making process. The DCSEU does not warrant the performance of equipment installed, and disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Any manufacturer’s warranties will be as set forth in the Homeowner Agreement between Customer and Subcontractor. Customer also understands that the incentives provided by the DCSEU (in the form of no-cost installation performed by the Subcontractor) may be considered taxable income. Any taxes or other governmental assessments that result from Customer’s receipt of the benefits in this Customer Application or the Homeowner Agreement will be the responsibility of Customer. Customer agrees that the DCSEU (or its Subcontractors) holds the sole rights to all electric system capacity credits and environmental credits associated with the AHEP or SFA project, such credits to be used for the benefit of District of Columbia ratepayers.