DCSEU Earns 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award!
Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2023)—The District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) is proud to announce that it has received the 2023 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award for Energy Efficiency Program Delivery from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Each year, the ENERGY STAR program honors a group of businesses and organizations that have made outstanding contributions toward protecting the environment through superior energy achievements. ENERGY STAR award winners lead their industries in the production, sale, and adoption of energy-efficient products, homes, buildings, services, and strategies. These efforts are essential to fighting the climate crisis and protecting public health. Winners are selected from a network of thousands of ENERGY STAR partners.
“We appreciate this recognition from ENERGY STAR. We are proud to be an ENERGY STAR partner and most of all, we are proud of the work we are able to do to bring clean energy solutions to all DC residents,” says Ernest Jolly, Managing Director of the DCSEU.
“As we accelerate historic efforts to address climate change, public-private partnerships will be essential to realizing the scale of our ambition,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “I applaud this year’s ENERGY STAR award winners for working with EPA to deliver a clean energy future that saves American consumers and businesses money and creates jobs.”
Over the last year the DCSEU:
- Provided more than 29,000 residential program participants with access to discounts and rebates on ENERGY STAR-certified equipment.
- Provided 13,000 income-qualified program participants with ENERGY STAR LED lighting at no cost to the customer.
- Launched the HVAC Replacement program to help income-qualified single-family residents decarbonize their homes through the installation of ENERGY STAR-qualified heat pumps and heat pump water heaters.
- Launched electric lawncare equipment rebates, including for ENERGY STAR-qualified equipment, for residents and businesses to cut emissions.
- Launched the country’s first Affordable Housing Retrofit Accelerator (AHRA) program, using and assisting customers with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager data.
- Created 94 full-time equivalent (FTE) green jobs for District residents.
- Created $149 million in lifetime savings costs for District residents and businesses, while preventing more than 688,000 metric tons of lifetime CO2 equivalent (MTCO2e) emissions

About the DCSEU
The District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility helps District residents, businesses and institutions save energy and money through energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Led by the Sustainable Energy partnership and under contract to the Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE), the DCSEU is committed to environmental preservation, community engagement and economic development.
ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions. Thousands of industrial, commercial, utility, state, and local organizations—including more than 40 percent of the Fortune 500®—rely on their partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to deliver cost-saving energy efficiency solutions. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses avoid more than $500 billion in energy costs and achieve more than 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions. More background information about ENERGY STAR’s impacts can be found at www.energystar.gov/impacts and state-level information can be found at www.energystar.gov/statefacts.