Fall into These Energy Saving Tips

With the passing of Labor Day, its only a matter of time before things begin to cool down. Here are 5 tips to help save energy while saving money in the fall season.


Now that it’s getting cooler, it should be easier to regulate the temperature in your home. Average temperatures at or below 68 degrees keeps your HVAC system from working too hard. The less work your system must do, the lower the energy consumption. When you’re not home, dial it back around 10 to 15 degrees. This could save you 10% on heating costs. Purchase a Smart Thermostat and it can learn your behaviors to help you save more.


You may not have noticed them during the summer months, but in the winter drafts can keep you from heating your home effectively. Before it gets too cold, check all the doors and windows for drafty chills that may cause heat to leak through. Prevent heat from escaping by sealing leaks and keep your heating systems from running up the bill.


Windows may have leaks, but when sealed properly, they can also help with heating up your home. When you go to work, open the blinds of all the south-facing windows and allow them to help heat up your home. Close them when you get back to trap some free heat.


During the colder months of the year, reverse the direction of your fans to clockwise. By doing this your fans will redistribute the warm air by pushing it back down and making sure cold air doesn’t settle in your home.


Over time your air filter clogs up excess dust and debris. This reduces airflow and increases resistance putting a strain on your system and makes it work extra hard. It's best to check your filter once a month and change it when necessary.

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heating, energy tips

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Jahmai Sharp
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