Here Comes the Sun

Since 2012, the DCSEU has worked with District contractors to install over 100 solar PV systems on homes in Wards 5, 7, and 8.

Without the DCSEU and the contractors, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the solar system on my home.

Eunice Long, solar program participant

Working with District contractors, the DCSEU has installed solar PV systems on more than 500 income-qualified District homes since 2012. Each of these systems reduces carbon emissions by nearly 3 tons per year. Participating residents benefit from no-cost electricity and each customer saves an average of $500 a year in electricity costs. In addition, PV arrays protect roofing materials and extend the life of the roof. From energy savings to increased structural durability, solar PV systems provide tangible, long-term benefits for low-income District homeowners.