Gallaudet University Cuts its Energy Use, Campus-Wide
The DCSEU has worked with Gallaudet to support campus efficiency projects through incentives and technical assistance. In 2013, the DCSEU provided incentives to upgrade 548 steam traps, reducing the university's annual natural gas consumption by 171,500 therms.
The DCSEU has been a great sounding board and has helped us to know that we’re on the right track. It’s a good communication line with someone who has a sincere interest in sustainability and no hidden agenda.
The DCSEU also supported the university's computer power management project, which will save an estimated 240 MW of electricity each year. Along with 40 additional measures from HVAC system retrofits to controls, these improvements helped Gallaudet cut its energy use by 17%, compared to the energy consumption in its baseline year of 2009.
Gallaudet University continues to cut campus-wide energy use. By December 2013, all 23,000 of Gallaudet’s interior lighting fixtures will be upgraded, resulting in annual electricity savings of 6,000 MWh. The new lighting will also improve the classroom environment for students and staff to communicate in American Sign Language. As a leader in the community, Gallaudet University also plans to reach beyond its campus in the coming year to engage the university's surrounding neighborhood in resource conservation and in saving energy at home.